Slippery Slope

I listened to a podcast interview with a woman who had left her faith. She explained that many church leaders claim that exploring doubt is a “slippery slope”– as if it’s something you step into and easily fall out of. She said it’s not that way at all– it’s incredibly difficult and tiresome. I could not agree more. The slippery slope is frightening because you don’t know if anything will catch you when you fall.

You descend down the slippery slope

Tired hands, no steady belay ropes

At times you see the rocky path below

But still you trust your feet to find the way to go

The frayed edge of the atlas

The way is not clear

Scrutinize and use your intuition

As you encounter sojourners who share your point of view

You’ll innately know what to do

Even when you free fall

Grasping for something safe

Enjoy the journey without fear

There is nothing down here to fear

As you descend the slippery slope

And you reclaim and name a better hope

It’s not that you uncover unending bliss 

But simple peace in saying yes to what is

Holly Kirsten

September 2019

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